Children’s Services

Children’s Services
Our children's services include a curriculum and a wide range of experiences for our children. The children have a daily routine that includes large group times, small group times, indoor free time, outdoor gross motor, health and behavioral services, mealtime, nap time, and extra special events like celebrating reading or Cinco de Mayo.
Large group time

Cooking experience

Outdoor gross motor

Snow Day at the schools

Dental presentations

Vision and hearing screenings

We offer resources to our families to support them in the well-being of their whole family and for their future success. These resources include free food from the San Diego Food Bank and Feeding San Diego, as well as resources for housing, jobs, school, and health. We have no limit to what type of resource we will provide our families.
Staff bagging food for our families from Feeding San Diego

The Inclusion Department works closely with site supervisors, teaching staff, families, and community partners to support child development and behavioral needs. The inclusion team provides in-class coaching for teaching staff to ensure inclusion strategies, curriculum instruction, behavior management strategies, and all other needed accommodations and adaptations are implemented within the inclusion support process. We attend all IEP and IFSP meetings to understand their specific goals and advocate for the rights of the children with disabilities or additional needs and their families in our program.

Now Hiring
Inclusion Coordinator

Now Hiring
Inclusion Specialist

The calming corner was created with sensory support items that provide our students the time and opportunity to self-regulate emotions.

Sensory areas support fundamental areas of child development within an inclusive learning environment

Students have access to preferred seating and sensory support items at all times within the inclusion classroom environment
The nutrition services at ECCDC provide meals that comply with California Department of Social Services, USDA, and Child and Adult Care Food Program guidelines. Our nutrition staff prepare all the food onsite using strict health and safety standards, and they are all certified in food management services. The nutrition services department and children's mealtimes undergo regular monitoring, evaluation, and professional development. The menus are adjusted every six weeks to accommodate changes in season, guidelines, and interest of our children.

Nutrition Services ladies